School Board: Members
Josh Squier
lives and works with his family on their farm in Tinmouth. He serves as Tinmouth’s sole representative and is on the Finance, Policy and Community engagement committees.
Len Doucette
is one of the representatives for Clarendon. He serves as the chair of the Personnel Committee and has been a board member since 2013. He has been a Clarendon resident since 2006.
Doug Earle
is the board clerk. He has a long history representing Clarendon and the Mill River district. He spent 18 years on the Clarendon Elementary School board, 20 years as a Mill River district board member and more than six as a MRUHS member. He has lived in Clarendon for more than 40 years, moving to the town in 1975.
Patricia Bowen
Patricia is one of the representatives for Wallingford. She grew up in Wallingford and graduated from Mill River. Pat recently retired after teaching for over 30 years in the MRUUSD district. She currently serves on the Personnel, Negotiations, and Community Engagement Committees.
Kimberly Williams
Kimberly lives in Shrewsbury with her family and works at Vermont Foodbank. Kimberly started her time as a school board member for MRUUSD in March 2024. She serves on the Policy, Personnel and Community Engagement Committees.
Stephen Abatiell
is one of the representatives from Shrewsbury, and serves on the board’s negotiations and community engagement committees.
Nick Flanders
Carol Geery
Andrea Hawkins
has been a Clarendon resident for over 40 years. She is a Clarendon Elementary and Mill River graduate along with a former Mill River cheerleading coach.
Grey Wicker
Sarah Wicker